A number of international schools in Bangkok offer students the option for boarding, which affords more flexibility for families, including those who reside in the city and abroad. Living on campus, students enjoy plenty of comforts, like they do at home, and the experience fosters greater confidence and independence. Boarders also form close relationships with their peers and enjoy a range of enriching after-school, evening and weekend activities.
“It is our belief that boarding gives our students a foundation for future success,” says Richard Walter., Director of Boarding, Harrow Bangkok. “Sending a child to a boarding school is a huge decision for any parent and their child. At Harrow Bangkok, we are fully aware of the emotions involved in making the decision to study and live away from home. We work hard to ensure that all the students who we welcome into the family-run boarding establishment are happy, confident and secure.”
Available to students in Years 5 to Year 13, life in boarding at Harrow provides ample opportunities for children to advance both academically and socially. Students are immersed in a well-structured study routine that allows them to complete homework, as well as encouraged to pursue extracurricular activities. They have full use of the campus’ tennis courts, swimming pool, football pitches, gym, sports hall and library. The Boarding Houses are also a blend of different nationalities and this international environment adds to the warmth within each House; everyone is supported in their beliefs and encouraged to be sensitive to those around them.
Harrow Bangkok features a team of 14 boarding staff, plus eight Gap students, ensuring the best pastoral care for each student. Here’s what Harrow Bangkok students love about boarding:
“Boarding has taught me ways to organise myself, and become more responsible.”
“I love using the campus facilities once the school day has ended.”
“My parents come to pick me up from the Boarding House every Friday and I spend quality time at home over the weekend.”
“As a senior Sixth Former I have my own en-suite bedroom at the top of the House. It doesn’t feel like a boarding room; it feels like I have a small apartment.”
“The free tutoring sessions on campus are so convenient.”
“The staff in boarding is so supportive.”
“The meals are fantastic!”
“Boarding prepares me to go to university, it’s just one step away from leaving home.”
Harrow Bangkok has recently completed extensive development of its boarding facilities. Hotel-style rooms now range from single en-suites to bigger rooms for up to four students. There is greater access to free tutors for extra revision sessions, as well as new and redeveloped sporting and academic facilities out of school hours. Safety measures include state-of-the-art technology and guard personnel to ensure student safety 24 hours a day.
For more information, please click here.