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Category: Teenagers

May 22
Where to Find Mental Health Support in Bangkok

When the stresses and strains of everyday life start getting too much, it’s important to always remember to reach out and ask for help. In Bangkok, there are a range […]

May 21
Navigating Body Image

Editors Note : With thanks to St Andrews International School Bangkok We know that body image is a concern for many kids. It’s a common issue among young people that […]

May 21
Connecting With & Supporting Your Teen

We’re well and truly in the information age, where communications and access to data transpires in mere seconds and literally at our fingertips. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer […]

May 17
New Body but Immature Mind – Early Puberty in Girls

The habit of consuming junk food today means that many girls eat a less healthy diet than in the past, and this can sometimes result in earlier puberty, also called […]

May 15
Harm Reduction: Practical Strategies for Handling Teens & Alcohol Use

Because they’ll probably do it anyways.Leniency in alcohol law enforcement is an ongoing concern in Thailand. With early exposure in a mass drinking culture, it is elementary for youngsters to […]

May 15
“Lighten up!”: What Not to Say to Someone with Depression (Part 2 of 2)

Thailand, the Land of a Thousand Smiles… and at least one million depressed teenagers. Part 1 offered an insight into the experience of depression and how to recognize it. But […]

May 14
Can Music Assist in Adolescent Anxiety?

The answer is absolutely, yes! The prevalence of anxiety, depression and various mental illnesses is unfortunately rising in adolescents as they face the environmental and social impediments of the 21st […]

May 10
The Rise in Popularity for Art Therapy

When it comes to getting kids to speak up about their emotions it’s a very difficult and challenging area and sometimes you just don’t know what to say or how […]

May 07
Depression: When is it More than Just “Teenage Angst”? (Part 1 of 2)

“Hey, how was your day?” You ask your teen enthusiastically. “Mmh” is the reply, as he or she retreats into that enigmatic cavern of the unknown: the teenager’s bedroom. What’s […]

Apr 30
How to Talk to Your Child About Bullying

By Jenni Trent Greenman Bullying is one of those unfortunate parts of life that most of us experience, typically during our childhood years. And while bullying has been dismissed as […]