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Category: Babies

Jun 30
Mali Daily Pregnancy and Baby Tracker

Having a baby in Bangkok, or anywhere especially if it’s your first pregnancy can seem a daunting experience, so many questions, personal recommendations, horror stories and books to read! What […]

  • Babies
Apr 16
How Much Sleep Is Enough?

Every bleary-eyed parent knows all too well the importance of a good night’s sleep, if your baby or child is constantly waking during the middle of the night, your own […]

  • Babies
Apr 15
5 Simple Ways to Get Your Kids Eating Healthy

Healthy eating is essential for your child’s good health, growth and development. Healthy eating in childhood means they will have less chance of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, type […]

  • Babies
Mar 19
Managing High-Risk Pregnancy: Expert Guidance for a Healthy Pregnancy Journey

Embarking on a high-risk pregnancy journey brings forth unique challenges that necessitate genuine medical attention. Conditions like Iron deficiency anemia, Gestational diabetes, Preeclampsia, or a history of preterm birth heighten […]

Jan 22
Recommended Vaccinations for Babies Born in Thailand

Most countries in the developed world tend to recommend the same kind of vaccines for babies and children. However, the immunization schedules may vary from country to country.  For example, […]

Jan 21
10 Misconceptions About Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is not an easy task in and of itself, but it comes with a whole slew of concerns, many of which are myths. Below are 10 common misconceptions concerning breastfeeding. […]

Mar 27
Preventing Premature Birth, Every Day Counts

About 10% of all pregnancies result in premature birth, and premature birth means increased risk of serious complications and sometimes infant deaths. If a doctor can prolong the pregnancy even […]

Mar 23
No Nits: Tips for Handling Head Lice

Yes, head lice are gross, but don’t panic! They are a nuisance for sure, but definitely not a health hazard — and certainly not an indication of your household’s level of […]

  • Babies
Mar 20
What is the “Golden Hour” After Birth and Why is it So Important?

What is the “Golden Hour” after birth and why is it important?

  • Babies
Mar 15
Birthing at Home in Bangkok

Many expectant mothers arrive in Bangkok, eager to find a midwife and arrange a home birth. For some women, this was standard in their past experiences or home country. Other […]