St. Andrews International school Sukhumvit 107 Early Years Centre offers children age 2-5 years nursery, Kindergarten and reception options and focuses on developing the whole child. At the heart of our beliefs is an understanding and respect for young children as unique, capable, and curious learners. Using the British Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum as our starting point, students and teachers come together daily to investigate, play, build relationships, and create shared meaning about the world around them. Our dedicated centre provides indoor and outdoor learning spaces where your child will find a home away from home with plenty of room to grow.

5 Reasons WHY
Unique Child: At S107 we recognise that every child is unique and learns and explores in different ways. We strive to develop each child to their full potential by offering a play based approach to learning and development, taking individual interests, needs and learning styles into account. A rich curriculum supports development in the following areas building on children’s interests.
Positive Relationships: Relationships are at the heart of S107’s Early Years Centre. We foster a sense of belonging for each child by being sensitive and responsive to the children’s needs, feelings and interests. Children are supported to build strong relationships with their teachers, their peers and their learning environment. At the heart of our teaching is valuing the children’s efforts and independence in order for them to become confident and life-long learners.

Enabling Environments: Children learn and develop in enabling environments in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between school and home. Our Early Years Centre benefits from extensive indoor and outdoor provision which provides rich opportunities through play and support for children to take risks and explore. Teachers observe and listen to children, asking questions to discover their ideas and curiosities. With this understanding, teachers act as a support and a resource for children, considering how children’s thinking might be guided toward new discoveries.
Supportive Ratios: Maximum class size is 18, or 16 in Nursery. Teachers, teaching assistants and EY nannies in each year group
Curriculum: A unique Early Years curriculum based on the British Early Years Foundation Stage syllabus, adapted for our international student families. This includes: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, and Expressive Art and Design.
Click HERE to find out more about their exceptional Early Years programmes.