Ghouls and ghosts aren’t the only scary element that Halloween has to offer. Another frightening aspect to this day, which is feared by all parents, are the abundant amounts of candy your child will receive and consume after trick or treating. Yet, as parents we cannot argue that it is by far one of the most well loved and anticipated celebrations for the kids which makes it very hard to avoid. And why would you want to? Children in fancy dress, participating in games, spending time with friends, apart from the occasional sugar high, it’s a truly amazing day indeed!
But, we do need to find some balance in the insanity and take a more sensible approach to the ‘trick or treat’ candy overload with these 5 sensible tips that will allow you and your beloved children to navigate the sugar induced holiday successfully.
1. Preparation

Before the big event line your child’s tummy with a healthy meal, sometimes getting creative with some fun halloween themed meals (might) delight them and make them less prone to overloading on candy, good luck with that one! Prepare them an early dinner or a hearty and healthy lunch then later as they fill their bag with candies, you will be the smug mum knowing your child has packed in his vitamin and minerals earlier that day!
2. Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snacks are a must if you will be having a party or attending one. There is no shame in showing up at your neighbors house with hummus and carrot sticks, or a fruit platter, or the latest vegan, avocado, no sugar, cacao superfood brownie. No shame at all and there are many ways you can liven up the plate with a little halloween cheer!
Teach The Art of Giving

Once they arrive home from the trick or treat adventure and they have dumped a suitcase worth of candy on the floor, ask them to set aside some of their candy to donate to others. Although, let’s be honest, if they have already consumed a massive amount of chemically induced mentos, this might not be the best time to inform them that they have to give up part of their addictive stash. Maybe as they set off for their trick or treating gently remind them they will be ‘trick or treating’ not only for themselves but the children of the security guards downstairs and the lovely helpers kids too who may not have the opportunity to join in the fun. After they finish celebrating a nice task to wind them down is to get them to choose part of their stash to make ‘goody bags’ for all the support staff families in your building.
Keep The Trick or Treat To a Minimum

Depending upon the age of your child, only head to a few apartments or houses. There is no need to cover the entire block. Although, as an American growing up in the US, my dad would keep us out in wind, rain or snow, and we would not be allowed to return home if we did not trick or treat through all 15 neighborhoods of our town. Hopefully you are not a competitive parent, like my father and can happily take your child to only a few places to avoid suitcases worth of candy.
Turn a Blind Eye!

My favorite piece of advice, to be honest. Sit back, relax and enjoy the night with family and friends knowing that a sugar high and crash won’t last forever. It’s one fun night, stressing over the candy consumption will only put you and your child in a bad mood. So grab a mento, or 5, kickback and watch the sugar explosion unfold. Happy trick or treating!!!
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