Each year millions of young kids face the reality of living with and struggling to manage their mental health challenges.
During May, globally many different organisations join the national movement to raise awareness about mental health. The idea is to fight stigma, provide support, educate the public and advocate for policies that support people with mental illness and their families. If your leg was broken you would go to see a doctor immediately but when your mind is broken people choose to either ignore the symptoms or try to become a specialist themselves.
The stigma around mental health and treatment has long existed, even though this has started to change. Still, people hesitate to seek help or even talk about it with their loved ones for fear of being judged and facing unnecessary backlash. Simple logic dictates that if we are hurt anywhere, we must seek treatment to get better. One of the schools in Bangkok The Ivy School have taken steps to address this in a wonderful music and art therapy psychoeducation camp for kids running for 1 month from July 11th to August 10th.

Details of the Camp
If your child is prone to the following conditions then this camp will help give them to the tools to better manage and regulate their emotions, ideally aimed at children age 5 to 15 years, children from all schools are welcome to attend.
High anxiety
Low self-esteem
Difficulty expressing emotions or verbalizing needs
Anger issue
Lack of self-control
Difficulty focusing on tasks
Behavioral issues due to past trauma
Having underlying conditions such as autism, ADD, ADHD, etc
Our instructor, Dr. Shanaree Laohapongphan, a psychotherapist who specializes in treating children and teenagers with the GIM/MI (Guided Imagery & Music | Music & Imagery) techniques from Atlantis Institute for Consciousness and Music, the United States.
GIM/MI is one of the techniques in music therapy. This technique allows children to engage themselves in different classical music pieces that serve different purposes in evoking sensory, emotional response, and promoting creativity among participants.
This camp doesn’t let your child
Play a musical instrument
Create an art piece for show
Editors note: For further details please contact the school directly on 062-798-2200, Line ID: @theivyschool or via [email protected]