The journey to become a strong, independent and globally-minded learner, equipped to succeed in university and in the workplace beyond, can begin at any age. For the youngest students, this “Active Learning” philosophy thoroughly permeates the learning experience in the Early Years classrooms.
A method that places the children’s own interests at the very heart of learning, Active Learning affords the freedom for them to independently choose and explore a series of themed, play-based learning activities, each designed to cater for different levels of ability and development, and focusing on the development of a different skill set: be it reading, speaking, refinement of motor-skills, counting, or listening.
At Shrewsbury International School’s unique riverside campus, spacious, well-resourced Early Years classrooms open onto soft-play gardens complete with reading zones, splash pool and sand pits – all stimulating, safe spaces for children to explore, play and learn under the supervision and guidance of experienced Early Years teachers.
Two qualified teaching assistants work alongside every class teacher, and each child’s progress and interaction with activities and their classmates are closely monitored. In-class observations are supplemented by regular communication with parents about a child’s interests and activities beyond the classroom; this ensures that parents remain active, informed participants in their child’s learning. Teachers use this information to continually tailor and differentiate the learning environment, resources and activities to meet the needs, interests and learning styles of every child. As such, school is a challenging, fun and stimulating place for young learners – a great start in their formal education!

Through this approach, every classroom becomes a reflection of the children themselves; a vibrant, evolving montage that celebrates their own work and achievements. It is also one which is coloured by the diverse interests and backgrounds of an international learning community.
In the Junior School and Senior School, Active Learning continues. Informed from the outset by careful pre-entry student assessment and family interviews, students enter an environment in which their individual needs and talents are supported. Moreover, they are challenged to exceed their own expectations. With such optimised intellectual, emotional and physical development, students thrive at school – and they become confident, engaged learners.
If you would like to find out more about Shrewsbury, its Active Learning approach and how to become part of a vibrant international community, please contact the Admissions Team at [email protected] or call Ms. Ilka Hodapp + 662 675-1888 ext. 1110. Pre-school children and families can also try out the facilities, make friends and meet some of the staff by joining a regular Playgroup.
Editor’s note: This article is sponsored content from Shrewsbury International School.
Shrewsbury International School is a leading British International School that offers an inspirational English-language education to students aged 3 to 18 years. The school is renowned for its achievements in music, sport and the performing arts, as well as some very best public examination results in the Asia-Pacific region, underlining Shrewsbury’s international reputation for academic excellence.