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Tag: prevent cyber bullying

May 07
Bullying is Real, a Student’s Story

This article is published with the students name and the school withheld for reasons of privacy but it is with huge admiration for the student involved we publish this. We […]

Apr 30
How to Talk to Your Child About Bullying

By Jenni Trent Greenman Bullying is one of those unfortunate parts of life that most of us experience, typically during our childhood years. And while bullying has been dismissed as […]

Nov 22
Growing Up Online; Should We Monitor our Children’s Use of Social Media Sites?

New technology certainly has its perks, but can also bring additional worries for the modern parent. How can you protect your loved ones from cyber bullies? Should you enforce strict […]

Jan 10
What is Cyber Bullying?

Cyber bullying is the use of electronic communication, cell phones, computers & tablets basically all the gadgets parents and schools give the kids which are used to bully a person online, typically […]