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Tag: bangkok mental health resources

May 22
Where to Find Mental Health Support in Bangkok

When the stresses and strains of everyday life start getting too much, it’s important to always remember to reach out and ask for help. In Bangkok, there are a range […]

May 15
“Lighten up!”: What Not to Say to Someone with Depression (Part 2 of 2)

Thailand, the Land of a Thousand Smiles… and at least one million depressed teenagers. Part 1 offered an insight into the experience of depression and how to recognize it. But […]

May 07
Depression: When is it More than Just “Teenage Angst”? (Part 1 of 2)

“Hey, how was your day?” You ask your teen enthusiastically. “Mmh” is the reply, as he or she retreats into that enigmatic cavern of the unknown: the teenager’s bedroom. What’s […]

May 01
Depression as an Expat Parent

Everyone appreciates that as a parent you can have bad days. But what do you do when those days turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into months? Clinical depression […]

Apr 09
Helping Kids Deal With Stress During COVID-19

There’s no doubt the prolonged periods of time at home that we are all experiencing from the COVID-19 pandemic is taking its toll on Bangkok residents. This especially includes young […]