9:00am- 3:00pm
Make your winter plans with us! Our Winter Camp 2022 (Dec 19th – Jan 6th) will take your child’s ideas from imagination to creation as they explore everything from musical theater to architecture… and beyond. The return of our “greatest hits camps” bring the holidays to life. We’ve got discounts, too! Choose from three weeks of camps:WEEK 1: DEC 19 - 23
(3 - 5 yrs) Messy Peas: Musical Holiday Camp with Teacher Connie
(6 - 9 yrs) Little Peas: Circus and Dance Camp with Ms. Lynn
(10 - 15 yrs) Big Peas: Young Architect Camp by KIDative
WEEK 2: DEC 26 - 30
(3 - 5 yrs) Messy Peas: Creative Cooking with Stories & Crafts
(6 - 9 yrs) Little Peas: Artistic Eats Cooking Camp
WEEK 3: JAN 2 - 6
(3 – 5 yrs) Messy Peas: Happy Explorers Signature Camp
(6 - 9 yrs) Little Peas: Active Adventures Camp
(10 - 15 yrs) Big Peas: 3D Shadow Sculpture with Pop up Art Studio Bangkok
Promo Alert! Claim your Early Bird deal by Nov 30, 2022:
Get 1,000 baht OFF every 5 days booked!
Book your spot https://bit.ly/BookWinterCampLP-------------------
Contact us for inquiries & bookings:
Line: @littlepeabkk
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 065-392-5658
Facebook Messenger: Little Pea Kids Commons
Little Pea Kids Commons, Klongtun Nue, Wattana, Bangkok, Thailand
Minutes9:00am- 3:00pm
3-5, 6-10, 11-12, 13+
2,000 - 2,800 a day
9,000 - 12,000 a week