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Mid-term breaks are a time for students to step back and refresh from the initial few months of the academic year. While many families use this opportunity to explore Thailand, or other locations in the region (and beyond!), a great deal of our community makes the choice to stay in Bangkok.

Holiday camps are a wonderful opportunity to engage your children with learning, growth and… fun!

BKK Kids October Break camp Guide

We collect and organize information from camp providers across the city in order to create this guide. There are amazing opportunities for children of all ages in the arts, STEM, sports and more.

To get the PDF version of the guide, simply enter your email address below:

We will update this guide periodically until October 18th, 2019.


If you prefer to view the guide online please visit this link (Click here).

And, if you really aren’t interested in joining our subscriber community, you can get the PDF version of the guide by clicking here.